We can announce that a charitable foundation I am a co founder and director of with some wonderful people ,will be taking over at the former Washacre Centre in Westhoughton. This centre will be a beacon of hope for forces veterans and their family members.
I hope I have made my family and friends proud with all I have achieved in the last few years. I have overcome huge hurdles with my mental health, I think there is no way any of you can truly know my struggle with it. And then my physical health (nothing major just a dodgy ankle 😂)My confidence was at an all time low.
I have always had the intelligence, it was having the confidence to use it. We have all worked remotely for the last 3 years with no permanent base.We fought long and hard and followed the legal process for over 12 months and now we can put the bigger plan into fruition. #TeamDeady
washacre House

Read the Bolton Evening News article HERE, and check back for progress reports.